3030 W Broadway, Council Bluffs, IA 51501

Premium Cannabis, CBD, Kratom, and Vapes Near You

High-quality, Lab Tested CBD in Council Bluffs

Every CBD product in Council Bluffs we sell goes through meticulous research and testing before we even think about placing it on our shelves.

Premium Glass Pipes & Accessories

Beakers, spoons, water pipes, vaporizers, oil rigs and more! If you are looking for a one-stop shopping experience, look no further.

What To Expect

Friendly Staff and Premium Lifestyle Products

Shopping for the highest quality health & wellness products has never been easier. 42 Degrees is The Source for all your needs.

Our Mission

Providing The Best Dispensary Experience In Town

With the most knowledgeable and friendly staff throughout Omaha, Lincoln, and Bellevue—we are truly ‘The Source’. Stop in, talk to our staff, and see why 42 Degrees is the most reliable headshop in town.

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Hot Inventory

Featured Products

CBD Oil, Vaporizers, E-cigs, Delta—you name it, sell it.


Join Our Loyalty Program and Earn While You Shop

Our loyalty program allows you to earn redeemable points for your purchases. On top of that, you will be also receive early access to sales, Two Point Tuesdays, and more!

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You must be 21 or older to enter this website. By entering this website you acknowledge that you are 21 or over.
